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Endurance. Sports. Technology. Our founders embody what it means to put everything out on the line, celebrate achievements, reflect on short comings, and bring an idea — the future — a little closer.

For decades, our Founder, Phil Southerland, has pioneered continuous glucose monitoring technology to become what it is today. Leading an all-diabetic pro cycling team, they found the value of real-time glucose data right there on the bike. It guided their nutrition strategies, their in-competition fueling, and helped them manage their overall energy and performance output. Years later, a partnership was formed with Abbott to bring the world’s first minute-by-minute glucose biosensor to the sports world. Supersapiens was born.

Metabolic optimization drives stable energy and performance. Real-time glucose visibility allows you to make informed decisions that can positively impact your glucose levels, metabolism, and subsequently your energy levels. What you eat, when you eat, how you eat, and how it impacts your mental and physical performance—becoming better is what tracking glucose is all about.

We believe that everyone has what it takes to achieve their goal—a little data and the power of community will help them achieve it faster. We’re here to help athletes unlock their potential.

Our Roots

Our journey started with our founder, Phil Southerland. For decades, Phil worked with Abbott and his all-diabetic professional cycling team to pioneer continuous glucose monitoring technology. They helped shape CGM to become what it is today. Years later, with proven and accurate sensors, Supersapiens partnered with Abbott to build the world’s only real-time energy management system for athletes.

Our Future

Supersapiens is for anyone actively trying to get better. Supersapiens are a community of people who make the conscious effort to always put their health and fitness first. Competitive athletes, weekend warriors, biohackers, yoga practitioners, and especially those of us with no loyalty to sport or modality. We’re living an active lifestyle. We’re trying to get better 24/7, no matter how big or how small. We’re preparing, we’re exercising, we’re recovering. Our mindset and approach to the world is what makes us Supersapiens.


Behind the Name

Superapiens is about naturally optimizing your performance to train and compete as your best self. Observing your body and tuning it at the molecular level. It’s the next step in human evolution.


Logo Mark Inspiration

Nkyinkyim is an ancient Adinkra symbol depicting the harsh nature of life's journey. The twists and turns require one to be versatile and resilient to survive — to change; to progress.

Life is full of challenges. But that is no excuse to resign to fate. Surrounded by the right community, with the right resources at your disposal, and the right mindset, you will achieve.

Logo Mark

Supersapiens compete with themselves. We don't compare ourselves to the competition. We compare who we are today with who we were yesterday. We become better every day. Supersapiens is for those, who understand what gets measured, gets managed.

Meet the mark. It’s the S of Supersapiens. It’s a twisting mountain road with the leader pushing on at the top. You’re the pack leader.


Unlock human potential.

We help people become better. Glucose stability is the foundation for a better you. We deliver the best insights for lasting positive behavior change and performance improvements.



Confident in our offering, unconcerned with competition


Does whatever it takes to unlock greatness.


Embracing our humanity, owning it, always learning from it, pushing its limits.


We lead with facts and proof, never puffery.


To become the most influential sports brand of this generation.


We connect people who obsess progress and help them become better.

Our commitment to you is that knowledge and energy will never be limiting factors.